Brain On Fire...

Danette Makaila
Jul 13, 2022

Like a single bird pinned and claimed to barbed wire

Not knowing if he's to be saved or if this be his dying hour

Brain caught in a blizzard with a volcano of fire

Nothing to cool the molten ashes of what they call lava

Can't sit still through the fog of raising drama

Trying to scream but the body is trauma

Til it bubbles and pours

Stuttering and puttering

Rages and roars

Slurring and muttering

We sit restless and gorge

With our brains...ON FIRE 🔥



Danette Makaila

Daydreamer, Artist, & Author. ✌🏽🌎❤ Just a girl, striving to change the world, from the inside --> out, through art, philosophy, love & light…