Danette Makaila
4 min readJan 14, 2020

COLLECTIVE Conciousness Shift - Timeline Merge - Generational Trauma Takes a Massive SHIFT Forward... ✨ #timelinemerge

Generations and Generations of pain, have been a series of THE most neccessary events in human history.

What our history has created for us is a long and thorough account of what we are capable of. There is no longer any denying just what love or hate may foster in us and the societies that follow.

And make no mistake, our pain was not created and played out by accident. This is our biggest work as a collective.


Our brains but more importantly our hearts struggle to handle the fact that the same people, the same God, the same spirits, the same angels, the same spirit guides that love and protect us would violate and destroy that trust in order to move humanity forward - but that is the nature of our lives thus far.

We've really been programmed to believe that we have the free will of choice, when in reality choice comes from concious intention and our society is still rooted in unconcious reaction.

We are living our lives brainwashed by our own emotions believing that they will forever plague us.

We have had to endure the pain of becoming in a state of dysfunctional duality when in reality we are all just God split into a million expressions of love and grace.... and now...now we know why we love so effortlessly.

It's written brutally throughout our history. We love because there is simply no other way to truly "be"

Our stories have been weaving together and destruction, misery, mental illness, suffering, hate, murder, and pain is what has taken over.

This is where it's up to all of us, to take part in this massive collective shift. Shit happens but shift is up to us.

We had a long ass way to go, 🙌🏽 so it was easier to think of good and bad, and God vs. a very fictional devil - but now these are ideas we must leave behind.

Religion gave us centuries of hope and something to believe in, whereas now it threatens nothing more than to hold us back from our true nature, our true potential. You feel it even now.

We are all just inhabiting our story, the story that eventually leads us to our destiny. But that is not who we are, but merely the story we chose to show others how to overcome.

We are all simply and effortlessly divine love.

To know this truth, while existing on this earth, makes my soul feel like it is split in two. I share this now in hope that you no longer feel alone.

It's just like a child to be so full of hope and dare I say faith in an unseen God. It is not until we grow up to fully realize that God causes just as much harm as good that we are left to question what the hell is all of this for, where do I turn and who can I really trust.

But look around you, who we are is in the beauty of everything you see not just in the pain and this is where we must focus our energy now. We have to begin to trust each other and pin our foundation on ways of being not on doctrines or laws.

We have to trust in something true and then focus on leading in the conciousness of love. Always hoping for the best out of every situation. It is inescapable that bad things may happen as evil slowly finds it way out of our society and out of our hearts, but we have to choose NOW whether we will continue to suffer, survive or embrace the thrive.

Here is the truth that I expect many of you have locked away inside...

Spirit can be just as abusive as humans but they are acting out our reality in order to prepare us for overcoming our mess. In hindsight the mess that we all created. It is not in there nature, neither is it in ours, to be evil. We all have a choice.

You wonder why we lose so many kids to suicide everyday...

The world and our current state of emotions is one big torture chamber, and the sad part is, we don't even seem to question it. It's all just apart of life.


It is impossible for me to relate to my body, when all its efforts are to relate to the world, in empathy. For these are emotions I have learned, through life alone, and not because they are inherent to me. This is NOT human nature - at all - so much so that my true nature is what feels foreign to me.

There are a million different sides of me - all of which I feel like I have to be, in order to survive here. How many of them do you suppose are actually, just...me? I would much prefer, to simply be bright and forever bubbly.

I scream, but it feels like there is no end in sight. "You don't belong in this body, you don't belong in this form of life."

You deserve so much better...and I know deep down you feel that's true.

There is possibly, no end in sight, but maybe the perspective we need now is our undying connection of light. We all deserve what's waiting on the other side of our collective journey and the best thing we can do now is to notice our truth and simply take the next leap forward.

Danette Makaila

Daydreamer, Artist, & Author. ✌🏽🌎❤ Just a girl, striving to change the world, from the inside --> out, through art, philosophy, love & light…