Twin Flame Update #2

Danette Makaila
Oct 14, 2021


Day 336

I've started to starve from lack of affection and human company.

There are people everywhere but none of them compare to you.

I've decided to strike up a conversation with the moon in hopes that she'll send my messages to the sun and somehow they'll find their way to you. But I feel as though they got lost in the ocean of your thoughts and drowned in a pool of what and have nots to ever make their way back to me.

So, I sit here lonely, waiting for the day that I will know the meaning of company. Because this world is nothing but alien to me, and you are the only thing that's ever felt like HOME.




Danette Makaila

Daydreamer, Artist, & Author. ✌🏽🌎❤ Just a girl, striving to change the world, from the inside --> out, through art, philosophy, love & light…